

Poconé is a charming town located in the state of Mato Grosso, known as the gateway to the Pantanal, one of the largest and richest wetlands in the world. With a rich history and a culture deeply rooted in Pantaneiro traditions, Poconé offers visitors a unique experience of immersion in nature and local culture. Founded in 1777, the town of Poconé preserves its historical heritage through its colonial churches, old houses, and cultural traditions that date back to the 18th century. But the main highlight of the region is undoubtedly the Pantanal. When you visit Poconé, you have the opportunity to explore the vast biodiversity of the Pantanal, which is home to an impressive variety of fauna and flora. It is common to spot jaguars, capybaras, caimans, and a myriad of birds, such as blue macaws and jabirus, in their natural habitat. The main route to access the Pantanal from Poconé is the famous Transpantaneira, a dirt road that traverses the Pantanal plains, offering spectacular views and numerous opportunities for wildlife observation. Along the Transpantaneira, there are various lodges and ranches that offer activities such as photographic safaris, boat rides, and horseback riding, allowing visitors to have direct contact with the lushness of the Pantanal. Come visit the Pantanal and discover the wild beauty and tranquility of Poconé. The town is the ideal starting point for those who wish to venture into this natural sanctuary. In addition to its natural beauty, Poconé offers warm hospitality and rich local cuisine, with typical dishes made from fish and caiman meat that delight visitors. Traditional festivals, such as the Cavalhada and the Feast of Saint Sebastian, are also major attractions, preserving Pantaneiro culture and folklore. Don’t miss the chance to explore this jewel of Mato Grosso. Come visit the Pantanal and be enchanted by the biodiversity, stunning landscapes, and vibrant life of the largest flooded plain in the world. In Poconé, every day is a new discovery, a new opportunity to connect with nature in its purest and most majestic form. If you’re looking for an authentic and unforgettable experience, come visit the Pantanal starting from Poconé. The town offers the perfect base to explore the natural wonders of the Pantanal, a destination that combines adventure, natural beauty, and rich culture. When you visit Poconé, you not only visit the Pantanal but also become part of a centuries-old story that continues to unfold amidst one of the most fascinating landscapes on the planet.


Explore Poconé: The Gateway to the Pantanal

If you’re looking for an authentic and unforgettable nature experience, come visit the Pantanal in Poconé, Mato Grosso. This charming municipality, located in the heart of Brazil, serves as the main gateway to the world’s largest wetland ecosystem. With breathtaking landscapes, rich biodiversity, and a warm, welcoming culture, Poconé is the perfect destination for those wanting to connect with nature in its purest form.

Discover the Magic of the Pantanal
Poconé is the ideal starting point for exploring the Pantanal, a region known for its lush wildlife and the chance to see rare species in their natural habitat. When you come visit the Pantanal, you can embark on thrilling boat or jeep safaris where alligators, capybaras, tapirs, and an impressive variety of birds are just a few of the species you might encounter.

The Pantanal is also a paradise for sport fishing enthusiasts. The region’s rivers are teeming with fish such as dorado and piranha, offering a unique experience for anglers of all levels. Additionally, the Pantanal’s sunset is a spectacle of its own, painting the sky with shades of orange and red, reflected in the tranquil waters of the flooded plains.

Poconé: Pantaneira Culture and Tradition
In addition to its proximity to the Pantanal, Poconé offers a rich cultural experience. The town preserves Pantaneira traditions that have been passed down through generations. When you come visit the Pantanal and Poconé, you’ll have the chance to experience local hospitality, participate in traditional festivals, and savor authentic Pantaneira cuisine. Dishes like “dried meat with rice” and “grilled pacu” are specialties you must try.

Must-Do Activities in Poconé
Among the activities you cannot miss when visiting Poconé is a trip to the Transpantaneira, a road that crosses the Pantanal and offers stunning views of local fauna and flora. Another unique experience is the Pantaneira horseback ride, allowing you to explore the vast, untouched landscapes of the Pantanal on horseback, just as pioneers did centuries ago.

If you’re a photography enthusiast, the Pantanal in Poconé is one of the best places in the world to capture images of wildlife and natural landscapes. The soft morning and evening light creates perfect conditions for unforgettable photos.

Plan Your Trip
For those seeking a peaceful getaway full of nature adventures and cultural encounters, Poconé is the ideal destination. When you come visit the Pantanal through Poconé, you’ll be choosing an authentic and enriching experience. Whether for a short trip or a longer stay, Poconé provides the perfect base to explore all the wonders the Pantanal has to offer.

Don’t miss the chance to discover one of the most fascinating ecosystems on the planet. Plan your trip to Poconé and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime. The Pantanal is waiting for you!